Scaling limit for the random walk penalized by its range in dimension one


In this article we study a one dimensional model for a polymer in a poor solvent, that is the random walk on $\ZZ$ penalized by its range. More precisely, we consider a Gibbs transformation of the law of the simple symmetric random walk by a weight $\exp(-h_n |\mathcal{R}_n|)$, with $|\mathcal{R}_n|$ the number of visited sites and $h_n$ a size-dependent positive parameter. We use gambler’s ruin estimates to obtain exact asymptotics for the partition function, that enables us to obtain a precise description of trajectories, in particular scaling limits for the center and the amplitude of the range. A phase transition for the fluctuations around an optimal amplitude is identified at $h_n \asymp n^{1/4}$, inherent to the underlying lattice structure.

Latin American Journal of Probability(1)
Nicolas Bouchot
Nicolas Bouchot
PhD student at Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistiques et Modélisation (LPSM)

My research focuses on polymer models, random walks in random environments and statistical mechanics.